
House detail:

Plot sqm 4388, Covered area about sqm 2000

Our responsibility:

Land search, preliminary execution project, work’s supervising, interior design

Summary of the work executed in Marbella Spain, in Golden Mile resort location

Search for appropriate land, preliminary project, search for appropriate contractor, executive project, interior design, work finishing, work supervising

In detail we expose hereafter all the steps necessary to succeed;

In the beginning we took care to search appropriate land to build a palace worthy of the owner, palace not yet even conceived, just a draft;

The research was long, visiting 4 different terrains, drawing three different proposals;

At the end found the no better place for the palace we start to design the final draft preparing also the bill of quantities to submit to the builders from which to choose the best;

In the main time we prepared the execution project to submit to the municipality;

selected the constructor and obtained the building permit construction began quickly fencing the yard and began to dig the foundations;

the contractorr was entrusted all jobs except those of finish were performed by me with my technical staff and importing from Italy finishing materials such as marble, sanitary fittings etc.

The House consists of a garage floor which also contains the servants’ apartment, a ground floor containing the main hall, the dining room, study, a suite with bath, a kitchen with cooking and storage, first floor, accessed through an imposing wooden staircase with wrought iron railings, contains no 4 suites overlook the panoramic terrace overlooking Morocco. Above was a further terrace which is accessed through a wrought iron spiral staircase from the terrace below.
The house is complemented by a garden of 2000 sqm containing a pool size of 15×30 m..

With my supervising the palace was ready in one year despite the many changes requested by the customer